
Good afternoon Moderator,

Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy looking through my work. I have produced a magazine that contains a front page, cover and double page spread. Please could you look through all my posts to see how I progressed in AS so far.

Thank you for all your feedback it has helped me progress more.

Thank you, Faith Phiri :) :)

Saturday 29 December 2012

Research and Planning My thoughts on my magazine cover, double page spread and contents page

As I was looking back at my cover, contents page and double page spread, I came up with some good things about them and the things I wanted to change and what I wanted to keep on the magazine. The information is below.

On the cover, I found that I wasn't liking the background colour because it didn't make the magazine look professional so I looked on Google to see if there were any RnB magazines that had black backgrounds on them and compared them to my magazine cover.
The picture above shows the magazine cover I found on Google and I compared this magazine cover and my magazine cover.

This is the comparison I have made for both magazines and it seems that they both stand out but I just need to change the font for the red writing as I can't read them.

Contents page 
I find that the contents page stands out a lot although maybe I should change the background colour as I don't want to stick with a black background for all my pages. On the other hand, I find that the black makes everything stand out and if I put a white background, the page would look too bright and I don't want that I want the magazine to be serious and formal and not too playful.

I thought this contents page looked very original and fun and I thought of putting some of these features on my contents page.

This is the information of what I want to add on my magazine contents page.

Double page spread
I changed the design of my double page spread many times because I didn't think it looked professional but at the moment, I am happy with how it looks. Blow is the process I went through when I was making my double page spread.

The picture above shows the process I went through when I was making the double page spread. As you can see, I changed the colour of the page because it was too bright and you couldn't see the writing clearly. I changed the positioning of the models as I thought that they didn't look good the way they were and they didn't look professional. I deleted 2 of the pictures. The first picture I deleted because it looked too blurry and didn't stand out. The next picture I deleted was the picture of Piyana and I deleted it because the picture had too much sun light on her face which didn't look nice and when I tried to reduce the light, it reduced light on the whole page so everything was going darker therefore I added a new picture of Piyana which I thought was perfect for the story as it was her being the bigger person and walking away from the situation in the story whereas I was being big headed and in my opinion, I think the poses show it.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

research and planning facebook feedback

Research and Planning model release form

Research and Planning, Difficulties when making the Cover page

When I was adding the model on the cover page, I cut off a bit of her head when taking the picture which meant that I had to extend her head which was very difficult and the picture did not look good as you can see in the picture on your left. The colours did not blend it well and the picture just looked very odd.
Therefore to improve this, I used the clone stamp to clone the colour of her actual scarf to her extended scarf and when I did this, the picture looked more realistic like shown in the picture on the left.

Research and Planning. Improved double page spread

Research and Planning iShowU podcast

This is my iShowU podcast.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Research and Planning my updated double page spread after audience feedback

Research and planning. All my drafts

These are all my drafts at the moment. I don't think they look magazine suitable as the double page spread background colour is too bright and you can't read the text so I need to work on this. I need to change the colours on the contents page and cover as they just look dull and unappealing.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Research and planning, Double page spread for music magazine

This is my double page spread updated. As you can see, I have added columns and changed the pictures around so they match the story.

Research and Planning My double page spread

This is my double page spread so far. This does not look attractive as I have not added any images on it and this is something I will be doing.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Research and planning, music magazine cover

This is my updated cover. I have made my model more straight and I have added the bar code which I didn't before.

Research and planning. My finished magazine cover

This is my finished magazine cover. However, I have a few tweaks to do on it like change the positioning of the model.

Research and Planning Music magazine contents page version 2 so far

I have changed my magazine contents page and made it in Photoshop rather than in design because in my opinion, I thought that Photoshop was easier to work with compared to in design. Photoshop was also very flexible so I am going to do my whole magazine on Photoshop.