
Good afternoon Moderator,

Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy looking through my work. I have produced a magazine that contains a front page, cover and double page spread. Please could you look through all my posts to see how I progressed in AS so far.

Thank you for all your feedback it has helped me progress more.

Thank you, Faith Phiri :) :)

Monday 4 March 2013

Research and Planning Evaluation 6

Technologies used


I used blogger to post my work for the examiners to see and to keep up to date with my work. I learnt how to edit my posts and change the dates of when I did the work if I was not up to date so this helped me get my work organised and up to date. 


I used Photoshop to make my magazine cover, contents page and double page spread. I learnt lots of skills using this software and I also developed a lot of my skills like my creative skills. I was able to make my images look more professional and get rid of any blemishes on the picture. This helped me a lot because I was able to make my images more clear. I could also add artificial make up on the picture without having to add real make up on the model. This was easy because if I couldn't find the right make up, I could just use the blush tool to add the make up on using the software.


I used prezi to make a presentation for my magazine. I learnt how to make each section of the presentation come on the right time and for how long it should stay on. I was also able to pick different designs and make my presentation look better. I was an easy process and I was able to add it on my blog whereas if I used PowerPoint, I would not be able to add it onto the blog so prezi was easier and much quicker.


I used Flickr to present my images on a different website instead of blogger. I learnt how to embed my images onto blogger on the right places. I also learnt how to add the images onto Flickr.

Canon SLR camera

I used the Canon SLR camera to take the shots of my model. I thought this was the best camera to take my images on as it would make the images look more professional. I learnt how to adjust the quality of the image or to add blur to the image if needed. I was able to see which images looked better with the flash or without the flash. This camera offered me with the best quality images which were clear.

I used Facebook to present my magazine cover, double page spread and contents page. I used it to get audience feedback and then take the feedback on board to improve the magazine. I thought this was good as it was a way to let people see my improvements after taking their feedback on board. It also helped me get a non-biased response.

I photo

I used I Photo to import my images onto the desktop from the SLR camera.

This is my IShowU video

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