
Good afternoon Moderator,

Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy looking through my work. I have produced a magazine that contains a front page, cover and double page spread. Please could you look through all my posts to see how I progressed in AS so far.

Thank you for all your feedback it has helped me progress more.

Thank you, Faith Phiri :) :)

Thursday 29 November 2012

Research and Planning contents page so far

This is my contents page so far. However, I will be starting it again as I think Photoshop wh=ould be much easier to work on it with.

Research and Planning my magazine cover so far

This is my magazine cover so far. I need to remove the remaining background that I have left on the model as this looks awkward on the magazine cover.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Research and Planning music magazine contents page Update

On this page, I have added green boxes to show the layout of where I want the pictures to go.

Research and Planning Music magazine Contents page so far

This is my contents page for my music magazine so far. All that is left for me to do is take 3 pictures to add onto the contents page.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Research and Planning My double page spread ideas

In my double page spread, I am going to write an article about an interview with an artist talking about her break up with her boyfriend and what had happened. I thought this story would be very appealing to teenage girls because it is a little bit of gossip.

 Article name - Love triangle

The artists on the double page spread will be Piyana

Interview introudiction

He is so in love with 2. Find out the latest scope when we interviewed Piyana about her and celebrity boyfriend  Gavin and their tragic break up. Could this really be the end of Gavyana.

Interview questions and answers

Q- How do you feel about the whole break up situation?
A-  I am still finding it hard, I didn't think my best friend would scope so low to stealing my boyfriend.

Q- How does it make you feel that the person you loved didn't really love you?
A- It is really hurtful because I thought we would be together forever, he was like my best friend.

Q- Do you think you will ever talk to your friend again?
A- Never, she will never ever see my face again. I hate her so much. I didn't think my best friend who I have known for years and trusted with my life would do that to me. She means nothing to me. Her voice is like poison to my ears.

Q- Will you speak to you're boyfriend again?
A- He will always have a place in my heart but at this moment, he means nothing to me. We have not spoken for weeks now but it still hurts inside.

Q- How did you find out he was seeing her?
A- I had my suspicions, I took her phone one night and went through her texts and saw texts from him saying "I love you so much babe I will make it up to you" and a text from her to him saying "I love you to babe goodnight" This was when I confronted her  and she denied the whole thing but I knew she was telling me porky pies.

Q- Is it weird to you that your boyfriend was texting your friend more than you?
A- Yes it is weird, I am his girlfriend not her.

Q- Do you trust your friend now?
A- Not one bit. Our friendship is over.

Q- What do your friends and family think about your break up with Gavin?
A- My family are as upset as I am because they thought of him as part of the family but now....and my friends...well they are pretty furious at the moment.

Research and Planning Double page spread topic ideas

  • Interview about artist break up
  • Music review
  • Newest music
  • New artist on the block
  • X factor scandle
  • Winner of Britains Got Talent tells us her story

Research and Planning double page spread RnB analysis

This an example of a double page spread. This is the type of double page spread I am going to make as it is to do with an interview. On this double page spread, they are interviewing Alexandra Burke on her winning the X factor. They ask about her mentor Cheryl Cole and how much she helped her. This links to my genre because her type of music is RnB. I would use this type of double page spread for my magazine because I want to do an interview section about an artist winning an award for example.


This double page spread is about a review about an album and a story about Beyonce Knowles's sister making a name for herself. This is a good double page spread however I wouldn't  use it because in my opinion, it is too boring because it is like a biography about her which takes time to write and I wouldn't be able to think about a story like that to add on my double page spread.

This double page spread talks about a song that Rhianna and Drake have produced together, it is like a review of the song. Also, they have added extra articles talking about Rhianna's hair and how it has changed during the years. I would use this on the side of my double page spread because it would be an interesting fact for readers to see. Also, it would add more stories to my magazine even though they will not be added to the contents page.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Research and planning talk with model

I have spoken to  Piyana about what she will be wearing for the shot. We have decided to keep the jeans, white top and high heel boots however, we are not going to have a leather jacket because she doesn't have one and in my opinion, I don't think it will suit with the outfit therefore we will be using a pink/peach jacket which will suit with the outfit.

Research and planning weather report

The weather on the shooting day was very bright which was a bit of a disadvantage because we had too much natural light which made the pictures too bright. On the other hand, It did make the pictures more clear and they looked more professional as we used the SLR cameras and they were of good quality.

Research and Planning shooting schedule

My model and I have decided to start our photo shot on the 23rd of November at 11:00 outside college. We have decided to do it on this day because the weather will be good and there won't be a lot of people around college as they will all be in their lessons so it will be a good day to shoot. We have decided on props that we need and these will be a mobile phone, bracelets and necklaces.  

Research and Planning Production risk assesment

Reseatch and Planning Recce information

Research and planning Plan of the week

  • Start magazine
  • Produce at least one location recce and risk assessment 
  • Start writing your double page spread
  • Production of magazine 

Saturday 10 November 2012

Research and Planning model test shots

 I would use this model because she looks RnB and she would make the magazine look different from other RnB magazines. It would show that anyone can be on the cover of an RnB magazine despite their background. She looks stylish and her eyes stand out therefore it would be good to focus more on her eyes. I would consider using her on my cover as she would stand out more and her eyes would be the main focus.
 I would use this model because she looks RnB and she looks very stylish. Her hair is the right style for this magazine and I wouldn't have to put as much make up on her because she would look good without it. However, If I chose to use this model, I would have to go to take the pictures very early as she would be going to university in Leeds.
 I wouldn't use this model as her style is not RnB. Although, her make up is very nice so I can use this on another model which would look nice.
I would use this model as she looks stylish and her make up is very nice. She looks very RnB and her hair is the right shade and length for my magazine. She won't need to pose as much because as you can see in the picture, she looks nice being serious and not smiling alot. I would consider using her as my model on my double page spread.
I wouldn't use this model because she doesn't look RnB and her hair is not he right length. Although, I would use her on my contents page on the fashion section as I would like to add other styles of fashion in the magazine.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Research and Planning SLR shots test shots

     This picture is taken without the flash and it looks realistic as it shows   what the weather looks like and it is not too bright.
This picture was taken inside college without flash and it came out looking very nice as it makes the student stand out more and the colours stand out more.
 This picture was also taken with the flash however, it makes the student look too light. As you can see in the picture, it looks like her skin tone is the same as her jumper but it is not.

 This picture was taken without flash and it looked very nice as the shadows were in the right places and there was no artificial light.
 This picture was taken with flash and it looked very nice as it made everything on the ground stand out and showed the colour of the object. This is a good way to take pictures close up that look dark.
 This picture was taken without flash and it make the object stand out and look bolder. It also blurred the background which looked good as the main focus was the object.
 This picture was taken without flash but like the one with flash, the object colours stood out because of the natural light but it doesn't look as good as the one with flash.
 This picture was taken with flash and it looks good as the colours stand out more because of the light.
 This picture was taken without flash and it makes the picture look too dark than it really is which is not. Therefore if I take a picture outside, I will have to make sure I use the flash because this will enhance the picture.
 This picture was taken without flash. Compared to the one with flash, the colour is not as good because it doesn't have enough light.
 This picture is really good because it is a close up of the leaves and it shows the colours well and the style of the leaves.
 This picture doesn't look too good because in my opinion, it looks too dull as the flash was off.
 This picture looks photoshoped although its not. If you look behind the student, it looks like she has been added in. This could be because the flash was off or I didn't focus the camera properly.
 This picture looks really nice because it was taken without flash and because of the natural light as it shows the natural colours of the objects.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Rsearch and Planning Masthead I will use

This is the Masthead I am going to use for my magazine. The font of the masthead is Billo.

Research and planning publication plan


Research and Planning personal to my genre

Looks my model should have
 I want my model to look stylish and fun, her make-up should not be too heavy. Black eye shadow or dark blue. Her lipstick should be pink or red but not too bright.

The location of the shot is going to be outside on a white or brick colour background to make her stand out like the picture on the side

Research and Planning personal genre artists assosiated with my genre

These 2 looks are the type of looks I want to go for. I think this look is classy and stylish and my model would look great in this. It is not too out there it is simple but fashionable. I don't want my model to look too made up as I want her to look down to earth but look beautiful.

Research and Planning plan for the week

This week I am going to do the following:
  • 2 additional research posts for my personal genre (artists associated with my genre)
  • Model head shots 
  • SLR test shots analysed

Research and planning equipment and software list

I mac
I photo
in design