
Good afternoon Moderator,

Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy looking through my work. I have produced a magazine that contains a front page, cover and double page spread. Please could you look through all my posts to see how I progressed in AS so far.

Thank you for all your feedback it has helped me progress more.

Thank you, Faith Phiri :) :)

Thursday 15 November 2012

Research and Planning My double page spread ideas

In my double page spread, I am going to write an article about an interview with an artist talking about her break up with her boyfriend and what had happened. I thought this story would be very appealing to teenage girls because it is a little bit of gossip.

 Article name - Love triangle

The artists on the double page spread will be Piyana

Interview introudiction

He is so in love with 2. Find out the latest scope when we interviewed Piyana about her and celebrity boyfriend  Gavin and their tragic break up. Could this really be the end of Gavyana.

Interview questions and answers

Q- How do you feel about the whole break up situation?
A-  I am still finding it hard, I didn't think my best friend would scope so low to stealing my boyfriend.

Q- How does it make you feel that the person you loved didn't really love you?
A- It is really hurtful because I thought we would be together forever, he was like my best friend.

Q- Do you think you will ever talk to your friend again?
A- Never, she will never ever see my face again. I hate her so much. I didn't think my best friend who I have known for years and trusted with my life would do that to me. She means nothing to me. Her voice is like poison to my ears.

Q- Will you speak to you're boyfriend again?
A- He will always have a place in my heart but at this moment, he means nothing to me. We have not spoken for weeks now but it still hurts inside.

Q- How did you find out he was seeing her?
A- I had my suspicions, I took her phone one night and went through her texts and saw texts from him saying "I love you so much babe I will make it up to you" and a text from her to him saying "I love you to babe goodnight" This was when I confronted her  and she denied the whole thing but I knew she was telling me porky pies.

Q- Is it weird to you that your boyfriend was texting your friend more than you?
A- Yes it is weird, I am his girlfriend not her.

Q- Do you trust your friend now?
A- Not one bit. Our friendship is over.

Q- What do your friends and family think about your break up with Gavin?
A- My family are as upset as I am because they thought of him as part of the family but now....and my friends...well they are pretty furious at the moment.

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