
Good afternoon Moderator,

Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy looking through my work. I have produced a magazine that contains a front page, cover and double page spread. Please could you look through all my posts to see how I progressed in AS so far.

Thank you for all your feedback it has helped me progress more.

Thank you, Faith Phiri :) :)

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Research and Planning - Evaluation 2

The 2 pictures above have got the same kind of gesture which shows attitude. Alexandra Burke is facing the camera which shows she is interacting with the camera whereas Piyana is looking away from the camera which shows that independence in her posture as she is not doing what every other model would do and that is looking at the camera.

Both pictures have bright high key light to show the colours of their clothing and it is important if the magazine is a active magazine, its good to keep to the high key light to show the happiness. Alexandra Burke's shoot was taken when she won the X factor 2008 and because the photo is in high key light, it shows the happiness and excitement in the picture. Piyana's shoot for the double page spread which is about her being independent and not wanting to have a man in her life after her break up. The picture in high key light shows her bravery and happiness as she is proud of who she is and she doesn't need someone in her life she is happy with her friends and family therefore, considering the lighting of the shoot is very important as it says a lot about the picture.

Facial expression
Both models have serious but happy faces to show happiness in the magazine it is also the right facial expression for a RnB magazine as not all the models on RnB magazines smile like they do in Pop magazines.

Although the costume is not appropriate on the Alexandra Burke magazine, it is still sophisticated as it shows the power she has as she is able to afford the clothes which goes to the same with Piyana's image, it shows her sophistication with her high heels, blazer and jewellery to show her wealth.

 Shot type
On the Alexandra Burke magazine, the shot type is a medium close up to show the expression and posture with her hands whereas on my magazine, I have used a long shot to show Piyana's full body language which can tell a story about her.

Alexandra Burke's make up is more out going compared it Piyana's. I wanted to keep Piyana's make up to a minimum because I wanted to keep her natural to show that natural beauty is acceptable, you don't need a lot of make up for a magazine cover. I also thought she looked naturally beautiful without a lot of make up so we decided to add eye shadow that was a shade darker than her skin and pink lip gloss to make her lips shine.

We added a lot of jewellery on Piyana compared to the Alexandra Burke picture because I wanted to show her independence and to show that she can do anything she wants on her own, she doesn't need anyone to get things for her. She is her own self.

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