
Good afternoon Moderator,

Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy looking through my work. I have produced a magazine that contains a front page, cover and double page spread. Please could you look through all my posts to see how I progressed in AS so far.

Thank you for all your feedback it has helped me progress more.

Thank you, Faith Phiri :) :)

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Research and Planning, Analysis of music magazine

Vibe magazine women
I can tell this is a RnB magazine because of the type of language they use for example, "Notorious" this word is mostly used by rappers.  The audience of this magazine looks to be for girls that enjoy a little gossip as the cover lines are to do with gossip, for example, "Why is Drake so angry". The layout of this magazine is very posh yet gangster. It is well thought out as it expresses the hip hop style in a very elegant way. The model on the magazine is very serious which makes the reader feel like she is in charge and she loves how she feels as she is portrayed as being a queen of hip hop because of the crown on her head. She also looks very proud of herself. They use the colour orange a lot which would signify how hot she is in terms of her being the biggest star in the word and because her hair is orange as well, there is a link. The shot type of this magazine is medium shot as it is from her waist above. It is a way to show a close up of her jewellery and her crown which shows that the magazine are trying to make her look like she has everything. I can tell the target audience of this magazine because the artist is a RnB artist which is a big give away. Also, the masthead is very RnB because it sounds like the music sound that plays in RnB music. This magazine is very formal and stylish which attracts the RnB audience because of the style that the model has. It will attract more male audiences because of the cover lines, they are more masculine rather than feminine even though the model is female. however, some of the cover lines could attract females for example, "Why is Drake so Angry" this can attract the female audiences as they like gossip sections in magazines.

Vibe magazine men

This magazine is very different to the one above as this one looks to be for men only. Men that want to look good and feel good. The cover lines on the magazine seem to be very sexual which could indicate that the target audience could be for males. The model on the magazine looks to be proud and a bit rude because of how he is shown on the magazine. He looks like he is a gangster and he is showing off because if how rich he is. They use a medium shot to on this magazine to show how stylish the model is with his expensive watch, ring and glasses. The colours of this magazine are very masculine as they have used colours that are mostly for boys and not girl. This is also another clue that this magazine is for men. The target audience would be more male because the writing is more masculine and the attitude is for males as the model is swearing and you wouldn't find a female model swearing on the cover of a magazine. They would be dressed more stylish and formal. The magazine colours are not as bright which attracts males more. Blue is the colour that is associated with males. 

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