
Good afternoon Moderator,

Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy looking through my work. I have produced a magazine that contains a front page, cover and double page spread. Please could you look through all my posts to see how I progressed in AS so far.

Thank you for all your feedback it has helped me progress more.

Thank you, Faith Phiri :) :)

Monday 15 October 2012

Research and Planning double page spread analysis

This is a double page spread from a RnB magazine. I can tell it is a RnB double page spread because of the way the model is portrayed. She is more open and comfortable with herself whereas in some pop or rock magazines, the models are always well dressed. This double page spread talks about Alexandra  Burke winning the X factor.  The layout of this story is different to other double page spreads because most of them have smaller images whereas this one has one image which is the centre of attention as it is made to look like big news. The 3 main colours on this double page spread are pink, black and white. These colours suit the magazine as they are not to outgoing, they are basic colours that make the page look fun and exciting to read. The way the text is sectioned is easy to read as it is clear which bits are the stories because they are in black. On the other hand, the pink text could be speech of what she has said or what someone else has said abut her. The text is in paragraphs and each paragraph has its own subtitle which is good as the reader knows what each bit is about and the text is not all crammed up in one space.

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