
Good afternoon Moderator,

Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy looking through my work. I have produced a magazine that contains a front page, cover and double page spread. Please could you look through all my posts to see how I progressed in AS so far.

Thank you for all your feedback it has helped me progress more.

Thank you, Faith Phiri :) :)

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Research and Planning, Evaluation

Are the font sizes correct ?
The font sizes are the same as they can be read properly and they stand out. I have tried to keep the same font size the same on the cover and content page. However, the font style was different on the cover and content page which makes the magazine look unprofessional.

Does it follow the 3 colour rule? 
My magazine does not follow the 3 colour rule because on my cover page, I have used black and white and on my contents page, I used blue, purple and pink which does not suit the magazine. However, it makes the magazine look less gender specific, it is for both make and female which is good because both genders would be able to view the magazine.

Can you tell that the cover and contents page are from the same magazine?  
The cover and the contents page do not look like they are from the same magazine because the colours and the style do not match. If I was to do this again, I would make sure that the style is the same and the layout is the same throughout the magazine so it does not look inconsistent. I would also make sure I use the same three colours on the magazine so the cover and content page look like they are from the same magazine.

Are the photographs well taken and appropriate?
The photographs were well taken and appropriate however, I had to cut some of the picture off as it was not a medium close up and the magazine had to be a medium close up. By doing this, the magazine didn't look good because the layout was messed up as the picture became smaller so there was more empty space than I had planned there to be.

Are there enough stories on the cover and contents page and are there appropriate?
All together I have nine stories for the magazine, 5 for on my cover and 4 on my contents page. However, I need to add more stories on the contents page as it is the main part of the magazine which holds all the stories that will be on the magazine. The stories are appropriate for the magazine as they are to do with college and also A2 students that are going to university.

Research and Planning College Magazine Contents Page Indesign

This is my college magazine contents page. I made this on In-design. I used the T tool to add all my texts and changed each of the colours but kept the font sizes the same. To add the pictures, I copied and pasted the pictures from Google to my page. I arranged the texts and picture positions in different ways. To do the background, I clicked on the rectangle tool and then chose a colour. I then selected the whole page and then sent the rectangle back so that the text and pictures were sent forward.
This content page is different to my draft as I believed that the colours did not match the colours on the cover page. It looked different and inappropriate. 

Monday 24 September 2012

Research and Planning, Different Shot pictures

This activity was about different screen shots. I drew the different shots that we were given and then researched about some of them if I didn't know what they meant like POV shot and Master shot.

Research and planning College Magazine Part 2

I got told that my original magazine was not a medium close up therefore, I have changed the magazine so that it is a medium close up.

Before and after pictures

Research and Planning Photo used for the college magazine

This is the picture I used for my college magazine that I took on a camera.I had to crop this picture and just add the body of the model and made sure it fitted the page appropriately. However, this was not taken as a medium shot therefore, I had to crop the picture even more.

Research and Planning college magazine

This is my completed college magazine which I made on Photoshop. I did this by adding a bar code on the bottom left of the page. I got this bar code from Google then saved it on my desktop. I then opened the picture on Photoshop then cropped out the bits I didn't want. I then added the picture on my magazine.To add the text, I used the T button which then allowed me to add text. I also changed the text font which was available on Photoshop. To add the picture, I took a picture of a student in college then copied the picture on my desktop. I then opened the picture on Photoshop then used the magnet tool to choose which bit of the picture I wanted. Then using the move tool, I moved the picture onto the background of the page. To move the picture back so that the text is in the front, I moved the layer onto the background. This then meant that the picture was sent back and the text was sent in the front. I then saved my magazine as a JPEG.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Research and Planning, college magazine draft and content page draft

This is my contents page and magazine cover draft that I did on paper. I got a lot of feedback about the layout etc so I put into consideration what everyone said they would change about the magazine and I adapted them onto my Photoshop magazine cover and the contents page.

Research and planning Font activity

These are 3 different font styles for 3 different magazine styles. I chose each font style on and downloaded the font onto Photoshop. I then changed the font size, position, colour and background colour of the pages.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Research and Planning Questions and answers

This video shows the 3 student that i have interviewed about my college magazine. These are the questions I asked:

 What do you think about the colours? are they appropriate for the magazine?
The three people I interviewed thought the colours were appropriate with the magazine. The colours were bright, cheerful and for boys and girls. Not just for one gender. But I needed to add more colourful colours and a decent background colour to match the magazine type.

Would you pay for the magazine? why
They would pay for this magazine providing it was at a good price because they would like to know what is going on in college.

What features/ news would you like to see on the magazine?
All the of the students I interviewed said they would like to see the A level results from previous years and they would like to see information about the college as a whole. They would also like to know about what other qualifications other people are doing and information about University.

Is the masthead appropriate for the magazine? why
They believed the Masthead was appropriate for the magazine because it stands out. But it needed to be more exciting (eye catching) and I need to use more colour in the background.

Do you think the layout if the magazine is good? why
The layout of the magazine is good however it is too simple(average layout) as I have too many boxes. I need to put a variety of shapes and use stuff that makes it stand out. On the other hand, other people thought the layout was good because it was not too cramped.

Monday 17 September 2012

Research and planning, Interview questions

  1.  What do you think about the colours? Are they appropriate for the magazine?
  2. Would you pay for the magazine? why
  3. What features/news would you like to see on the magazine?
  4. Is the masthead appropriate for the magazine? why
  5. Do you think the layout of the magazine is good? why

Thursday 13 September 2012

Research and planning, medium close ups

I understand that I need to do a medium close up for my college magazine.

Research and planning, college magazine analysis

This is a professional college magazine I have found on Google images. I can tell it is a college magazine because it has the issue number on it which shows when the magazine was released. It also includes the barcode which shows that it is a professional magazine. Furthermore, it also included publication lines and selling lines which are like a brief preview of what the magazine is about.The masthead is also very obvious that it is a college magazine as it is called College. However, this college is in the USA which means the target audience for this magazine would be aged between 18 - 21. Also, the cover lines are to do with college for example " exotic study abroad" and "Skip class with O.A.R".
The main picture of the college magazine is also a give away because the model looks to be very young aged between 18-20.

Research and planning film review

This is my film review I found on empire. I copied the film review onto a word document and saved it on my desktop. I then dragged a picture of the film onto my desktop. I then opened indesign CS6. I chose andA4 page then went on layout,create guides then selected fit guides to margin to help me separate the texts . To add the text, I clicked on File then place then dragged the text to where I wanted it to go. However, there was a lot of text so i repeated this process but left some space to add my picture which meant that not all of the text would be added. I used the same process when I added the picture which was clicking, file then place. To add the background colour, I clicked on the rectangle tool and changed the colour then dragged it onto the whole page. After doing this, I sent the rectangle back so the the text and picture were on top of it. Finally, to add my text I used the T tool then changed the size and colour of it. To add a boarder on my text, I used the stroke button and changed the colour of the boarder so the colours of the text and the boarder were both different as this would add a nice affect to the review. When I had added all these things, I then went on file and export to save the review in my folder as a JPEG.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Research and Planning, film poster

I made this picture using the same features I used to make the CD cover and this is what I came up with. I copied a Leonardo Dicaprio picture from Google images onto the desktop. I then got a picture of the film poster Pirates of the Caribbean and copied it on my desktop. When I had done this, I opened both pictures on Photoshop and used the Circle tool to crop which part of Leonardo Dicaprio's face I wanted. I then dragged his face onto the poster and adjusted the size and length of the picture so it could fit ontop of Jonny Depp's face. I then changed the colour of the face so it could blend in with the poster or realistic. This was my finished product.

Monday 10 September 2012

Research and planning, Photoshop challenge

This is my completed challenge on Photoshop
I added text by clicking on the T and then changing the font and size. I then moved it to the center of the page. To change the background colour, I added a new layer then used the paint bucket tool to add the blue colour background.
To add the photo, I saved my picture onto my folder then opened it on a separate Photoshop page. After I had done this, I cropped out which bits I did not like then added it onto my other page with the blue background. I then changed the hair colour and added a border round my picture using the same technique I used for the skin tutorial. This was my finished product.

Research and planning. Skin Tutorial

I have made a picture and this is how I did it:
First, removed all the blemishes by using the Spot healing brush which removed all the spots and black heads of the picture.
Next, I added an extra layer and used the filter, blur, smart blur to make her skin less shinny.
I then added some make-up on the picture by using the blush tool. I decided how big we wanted our brushes and what colours we wanted the brush to be so we could add colour to the hair, eyes, lips and cheeks. To do the lips, I zoomed in on the lips and chose a small brush so that I could outline the lips first. Then when I had done this, I filled in the lips by increasing the brush size.
To do the eyes, I also had to zoom in so I could see what I was doing properly. I saved the picture as a JPEG and this was my finished product.

Research and planning,photoshop CD Tutorial

This is my CD cover made from Photoshop. I made this by going on Photoshop, selecting the horn, CD and Background picture. I then selected the CD picture and clicked the elliptical marquee tool which changed the square shape into a circle. I then clicked the circle and dragged it onto the CD using the shift button from the corner of the page. When I had done this, I clicked the move tool button so I could transfer the CD I had cropped onto the background page which was a musical note background. I then choose how big I wanted the CD and where I wanted to place it. When I had placed it in the right spot, I changed the colour of the CD by going on images, adjustments then clicked on colour balance. After changing the colour of the CD, I then went on to add the horn picture onto our CD cover. I did this by going on the picture and clicking the magic wand tool this enabled me to click on a white background anywhere on the page and it would have been selected. However, I needed all the white to be selected and I did this by clicking on select and then similar. This meant that the white on the page was selected. After doing this, I clicked on select again and then clicked on inverse. this meant that instead of the white being selected, I had the horn selected. Again I clicked the move tool button and moved the horn onto the CD cover. To change the colour of the horn, we used the same technique for changing the CD cover. To add the musical notes, I clicked on the layers pallet and clicked on the notes button. I adjusted the placing of the notes to. Finally, I added my names on the cover by clicking on the T symbol and then changing the colour of the text and adding a shadow. I did this by clicking on layer, layer style and drop shadow. After doing this I then did the final editing which was changing the blackground style by clicking on filter, distort and wave. I then saved the picture as a JPEG on my desktop and this was the finished product.