
Good afternoon Moderator,

Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy looking through my work. I have produced a magazine that contains a front page, cover and double page spread. Please could you look through all my posts to see how I progressed in AS so far.

Thank you for all your feedback it has helped me progress more.

Thank you, Faith Phiri :) :)

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Research and Planning, Evaluation

Are the font sizes correct ?
The font sizes are the same as they can be read properly and they stand out. I have tried to keep the same font size the same on the cover and content page. However, the font style was different on the cover and content page which makes the magazine look unprofessional.

Does it follow the 3 colour rule? 
My magazine does not follow the 3 colour rule because on my cover page, I have used black and white and on my contents page, I used blue, purple and pink which does not suit the magazine. However, it makes the magazine look less gender specific, it is for both make and female which is good because both genders would be able to view the magazine.

Can you tell that the cover and contents page are from the same magazine?  
The cover and the contents page do not look like they are from the same magazine because the colours and the style do not match. If I was to do this again, I would make sure that the style is the same and the layout is the same throughout the magazine so it does not look inconsistent. I would also make sure I use the same three colours on the magazine so the cover and content page look like they are from the same magazine.

Are the photographs well taken and appropriate?
The photographs were well taken and appropriate however, I had to cut some of the picture off as it was not a medium close up and the magazine had to be a medium close up. By doing this, the magazine didn't look good because the layout was messed up as the picture became smaller so there was more empty space than I had planned there to be.

Are there enough stories on the cover and contents page and are there appropriate?
All together I have nine stories for the magazine, 5 for on my cover and 4 on my contents page. However, I need to add more stories on the contents page as it is the main part of the magazine which holds all the stories that will be on the magazine. The stories are appropriate for the magazine as they are to do with college and also A2 students that are going to university.

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